Family Medicine

Astria Health Family Medicine physicians provides general healthcare for all ages. A Family Medicine provider is often a primary care physician, taking lead on your healthcare needs. They provide annual check-ups, perform or order regular tests, and provide regular immunizations. Family Medicine providers diagnose and treat a variety of diseases, including diabetes, COPD and hypertension. They can also treat dermatological problems. For people battling with weight problems or obesity, they can provide guidance and help.

Astria Health’s Family Medicine providers are located in convenient Astria Health Centers in Union Gap, Zillah, Sunnyside, Grandview and Prosser. We welcome all new patients and look forward to helping all of our patients live better lives.

Astria Health Family Medicine providers offer the following areas:

  • Well-checks/physicals for all ages
  • General health problems
  • Minor emergencies
  • Immunizations for all ages
  • Diabetes, COPD and hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Annual woman's health exam

Learn more about specific services provided at specific locations by visiting the locations page or call 509.577.7878. Se habla español.

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